By Adriana Dantas Bessa, Maria Emilia Camargo, Mariane Camargo Priesnitz, Rosecler Maschio Gilioli, Angela Pellegrin Ansuj, Aprígıo Teles Mascarenhas Neto, Maria Do Socorro Cruz Linhares, Cristiane Tiniolo Dias, Beluze Andrade de Lucena, Isabella Villas Boas Wanderley Neves, Juliana Barbosa de Alcântara, Edmilson Barbosa da Silva, Walter Priesnitz Filho, Eliane Moura da Silva, Jaqueline Machado de Aguiar, Suenya Talita de Almeida, Jaqueline Santos Vieira, Marta Elizete Ventura da Motta, Beatriz Lúcia Salvador Bizotto, Guilherme da Silva, Pâmera Santana Skieresz, Diego Luís Bertollo, Jeronimo Volmir Lopes, Patrícia Rebêlo Távora, Angela Isabel dos Santos Dullius, Silvana Regina Ampessan Marcon, Laura Maschio Gilioli, Luis Fernando Moreira, Uiliam Hahn Biegelmeyer, Lucas Tartarotti, Daniel Hank Miri

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Preface Today the world is marked by increasing complexity, where the boundaries between disciplines become increasingly interconnected. Therefore, the dialogue between different areas of knowledge is essential for the understanding and solution of the diverse challenges we face. This book, "Multidisciplinary Studies: Management and Legal Sciences", is born of this understanding, bringing a comprehensive and integrated perspective on important topics that permeate management and law. Management and the legal sciences, although traditionally seen as distinct fields, share a deep interdependence. Business and administrative decisions are inevitably shaped by regulatory and legal frameworks, as well as legal legislation and practices are influenced by organizational and economic dynamics. This book explores this intersection, highlighting how the collaboration between managers and jurists can generate innovative and effective solutions to contemporary problems. Throughout the chapters, readers will have the opportunity to discover a diversity of approaches and methodologies that reflect the nature of the topics covered, will find practical cases analyzes and theoretical studies. Each contribution enriches the understanding of how these areas can interact productively. Thus, in the world where change is a constant, the ability to integrate knowledge and collaborate beyond traditional boundaries becomes a strategic differential. "Multidisciplinary Studies: Management and Legal Sciences" is a valuable contribution to this movement, offering tools and reflections that enable managers and jurists to navigate more effective and creativity in todays and tomorrow challenges. We hope that this work will inspire not only greater understanding between the areas of management and law, but also a more collaborative and innovative professional practice. May it serve as a starting point for new research, debates and, above all, to the practical application of interdisciplinary knowledge that contribute to the common good. Good reading! Prof. Dr. Maria Emilia Camargo June 2024