Complementary treatments and techniques to improve your pre-conception health and fertility, such as nutritional medicine, mind-body medicine, acupuncture and herbal medicine
Comprehensive and compassionate information about genetic and prenatal testing
Techniques such as massage, accupressure, herbal medicine, and mind-body exercises to help you relax and feel more comfortable as your pregnancy progresses
A fully illustrated chapter on prenatal yoga with pose variations for all three trimesters.
How your pregnancy unfolds month by month and how you can connect with your baby while you’re expecting
The best practices of doulas and midwives
The pros and cons of giving birth in a hospital, birthing center, or at home
Effective pain management for your labor—from epidurals to hypnotherapy
Everything you need to know about inductions, assisted deliveries, and C-sections
What happens postpartum—physically and emotionally
Candid recollections and insights from other moms and patient stories from Dr. Evans’s practice, The Center for Women’s Health
The Whole Pregnancy Handbook is an informative and reassuring guide that will empower you to combine the best of conventional and alternative medicine with confidence at every stage of pregnancy.
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