Drawing from a wealth of research and experience, this book shows educators how to use the transformative power of professional learning in community to raise the professional stature of educators. The authors, experts in their field, provide clear steps and real-school examples with a focus on collaborative adult learning for student gains, community respect, professional satisfaction, and collegial support. They examine pitfalls and distractions, and show clear images of what empowered Professional Learning Communities(PLCs) look like for teachers, administrators, and leaders at the school and district level. The authors also provide practical tools for advancing and measuring progress. This resource will help educators move from a climate of sanctions to one of mutual trust and support informed by a commitment to students and a dedication to working and learning together.
Book Features:
Shirley M. Hordis Scholar Laureate, in association with Learning Forward, and Scholar Emerita at the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL) in Austin, Texas. Her books includeLearning Together, Leading Together: Changing Schools Through Professional Learning Communities.Edward F. Tobiaworks at SEDL in the Improving School Performance unit in Austin, Texas.
“Practical, powerful, and inspirational! When teachers unite for the purpose of increasing their own effectiveness, students benefit. Hord and Tobia offer a powerful pathway toward this vision.”
—Stephanie Hirsh, Executive Director of Learning Forward
“The authors take us on a personal journey of their own experiences over many years and then offer concrete and realistic steps for improving student success through professional interactions that invite deep learning, especially through the work of the PLC.”
—Jim Roussin, Executive Director of Generative Learning
“Student achievement is at an all time high as a result of the structure provided to our teachers and administrators. Professional learning communities is the way to go.”
—Raymond V. Aguilera, Superintendent of Schools andOlivia Elizondo Zepeda, Associate Superintendent, Gadsden Elementary School Dist. #32
“Learning, efficacy, and action: That is what this book is about. Hord and Tobia provide abundant examples of actions educators can use to develop as professionals through engaging in ongoing collegial and deliberate learning.”
—William A. Sommers, national speaker and staff developer
“Unique in its scope, content, depth, and practical approach. This is a great new resource that offers tools for empowerment and development.”
—Mary J. Schaal, Arizona Western College
“Educators have been talking about the intersection of professional learning, powerful teaching, and better schools for over 30 years.... Shirley Hord and Ed Tobia have reached out to help educators find a personal and collective way forward.”
—From the Foreword byKaren Seashore Louis, University of Minnesota