So Near Yet So Far

By Geoffrey Hale, Geoffrey E. Hale

So Near Yet So Far
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How do politicians, diplomats, and interest groups negotiate thetangled web of Canada-US relations? So Near Yet So Farprovides in-depth look at the multiple dimensions of this complexrelationship, especially in the period since 9/11. It bridges thetraditional gap between academic perspectives and those of diplomatic,policy, and government relations professionals to explore both thesimilarities and very significant differences between the two countriespolitical systems and why both matter to anyone trying to understand orinfluence policy outcomes in both countries.

Based on almost 200 interviews with current and former governmentpolicy makers, opinion-shapers, and interest group leaders in bothcountries, the book analyzes the motives and mechanics of managingcross-border relations at several levels, includingpolitical-strategic, trade-commercial, cultural-psychological, andinstitutional-procedural. A concluding chapter assesses theimplications of current policy trends for Canada's foreign andinternational economic policies.

So Near Yet So Far will be of interest and value topractitioners, scholars, and citizens of both countries who want abetter understanding of how the Canada-US relationship works- and can be made to work more effectively. Balanced and fair inits analysis, it gets to the core issues without distortingperspectives on either side of the border.

Geoffrey Hale is a professor of political science atthe University of Lethbridge.