Directory of Lion Leaders of India (2016-17)

By Lion G S Hora, Chairperson, Lions Co-ordination Committee of India

Directory of Lion Leaders of India (2016-17)
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Printed Edition of DIRECTORY of LION LEADERS OF INDIA, for 2016-17 is published at the Meeting of LCCI, at Kolkatta on 23rd September 2016. This Digital Edition of the Directory of Lion Leaders of India, is a replica of the Directory for reading in Mobile Phones. It covers all the information on Lion Leaders in 71 Lions Districts in 8 Multiples. This is the Digital Edition of 26th Edition of Printed Directory. It is released by International Director Lion Gurucharan Singh Hora, at the Meeting..

It lists particulars on Lion Leaders, namely, District Governors, Past District Governors, Multiple Council Officials, Vice District Governors etc.This is a single reference guide on Who is Who in Lionism.

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