King Torian's evil is spreading across the realms.
Conal and Gwen are hard-pressed to evade Torian's spies and armies while gathering support to combat the evil king's quest for total domination. But they can't do it alone and must seek out the help of dwarves and elves - with unintended consequences.
The sudden arrival of dragon-hunters causes some to wonder if the people are filled with madness or if dragons, which were exterminated 150 years ago, might possibly still exist, especially as these fanatics are obsessed with their mission of finding and killing dragons. But why now? What has caused these zealots to abruptly appear, demanding to know where the dragons are?
Just when things might be looking up for the rebellion, they discover there are traitors among them.
Rune Marked is the second book in the series Dragons of Isentol, a tale of dragons, magic, and a growing rebellion against tyranny.
Fans of the following books and series are known to enjoy this epic fantasy series:
Dragonlance Chronicles
Dragons of Autumn Twilight
Dragons of Spring Dawning
Dragons of Winter Night
Dragons of Summer Flame
Dragons of a Fallen Sun
Dragons of a Lost Star
Dragons of a Vanished Moon
Dragons of Pern
Dragons of Eden
Harry Potter
The Chronicles of Narnia
Shannara Chronicles
Sword of Shannara
Elfstones of Shannara
Dragonriders of Pern
Fans of the following authors are known to enjoy this young adult fantasy:
JRR Tolkien
David Eddings
Terry Brooks
Daniel Arenson
Robin Hobb
C.S. Lewis
R.A. Salvatore
Morgan Rice
Lindsay Buroker
Anne McCaffrey
Scott Sigler
Christopher Paolini
J. K. Rowling
Brandon Sanderson
Michael J. Sullivan
Mark Lawrence
Robert Jordan
Stephen Donaldson
Kevin J. Anderson
Andrzej Sapkowski
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