
By Erik Hollnagel

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The complexity of today's large organisations, businesses and social institutions defeat management approaches based on monolithic thinking and simple solutions. Synesis represents a unification of principles and practices that is needed to reconcile multiple priorities and align multiple perspectives and defines the knowledge that is necessary effectively to manage changes in complex organisations both today and in the future..

Most industry and service organisations look at their performance either from a single perspective - productivity, quality, safety, etc. - or from different but separated perspectives that reside in organisational silos. Quality is treated separately from safety, which again is treated separately from productivity, and so on. While this traditional silo thinking may be convenient in the short term, it fails to recognise that any specific perspective only reveals a part of what goes on. Yet it is essential to have a unified view of how an organisation functions in order effectively to manage changes and to ensure that it excels in what it does.

Synesis represents the mutually dependent set of priorities, perspectives, and practices that an organisation must have to carry out its activities as intended. It shows how to overcome the fragmentation in foci, scope, and time that characterises the dominant change management paradigms. This book is consequently not about productivity or quality or safety or reliability but about all of these together. It is about why it is necessary to think of them as a whole. And it is about how this can be done in practice.