A quote ... “Beauty is the essence of Love.” Have we got something for you in this Book!” The information within will peak your interest, for SURE. I have a question for you, Patricia Browne asks. “Do you want to become the BEAUTIFUL individual that you truly are inwardly?” If your answer is a RESOUNDING “Yes”, then as the song goes ... “This One’s for You”. You will be cut to the core with her words. My mission in this teaching is to unconfine, to make known to you dear reader, True Knowledge of Higher Life principals. The education you will gain comes from Universal Consciousness ... Raising your life from the mundane to a supreme level of joy through experience. It’s called SEDUCTION. Thus, FREEDOM is needed to bring this level .... without dogma or format. Wish for yourself, all that you can have. It takes only the DESIRE for Seduction and Bliss to occur. OLD Rules don’t apply! No longer are we contained by pre-existing patterns! We are all now in a place of surprise and delight ~ A sunrise! Those that give up their shackles are in a conscious space of Allowance ... Allowance of a new seduction. And this SEDUCTION herein defined, is your Master Plan. We are a blossoming society of Individualized Universal consciousness! ... Come on into the message, and live a new life. It’s yours. “Are you ready to go for it?”, Patricia asks. PLEASE find out! Get in on this aware energetic level of creating what you want!