Twenty-five Sunbury Press authors contributed twenty-seven chapters about the possible impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on society. Based on their experiences in a variety of fields, they provide their projections about the changes facing us, many of which have already been underway for some time. Included in this volume:
Tory Gates: Change and Embracing It
Mark Carlson: The Role of Plagues in Human Enlightenment
Wylie McLallen: The Pandemic of 1918
Thomas Malafarina: How Are Future Pandemics Likely to Be Different?
Barbara Matthews: COVID-19: Through the Eyes of a Grandmother
Bridget Smith: Dreams Deferred
Iris Dorbian: The Great Equalizer
H.A. Callum: Fighting Solo: Covid-19 and the Single Parent
Catherine Jordan: Left Behind
Joseph Mazerac: An Essential Optimist
Scott Zuckerman: Public Health, Civil Liberties, and Life After the Pandemic
Scott Zuckerman: Medicine in the Post-Coronapocalypse Era
Will Delavan: The Looming Health Insurance Problem
Pat LaMarche: Politics Makes No Bedfellows
Virginia Brackett: COVID-19 Effects on Higher Education
Cheryl Woodruff-Brooks: The Corona Virus and Homeschooling
Wynne Kinder: The New ACEs: At-home COVID-19 Effects on Youth
Cheryl Woodruff-Brooks: How Museums and Galleries Will Adapt to the Coronavirus
Marianne Bickett: Coronavirus, Instrument of Change: How the Arts Will Usher in a New Era
Merrill Shaffer: The Effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Sports
Maia Williamson: Tourism in the Post-Pandemic World
Jack Adler: The Brave New World of Travel
Brook Lenker: Conservation in the Midst
Simon Landry: On the Economic Front
Lawrence Knorr: The Various Economic Impacts of COVID-19
Penny Fletcher: Materialism vs. Spirituality
Chris Fenwick: Creativity—Necessity is a Mother