2024 US Error Coin Guide - New Collector Edition - Color

By Stan C McDonald

2024 US Error Coin Guide - New Collector Edition - Color
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US Error Coin Guide 2024 - New Collector Edition Color
This book was written for new collectors who want to learn about coin collecting and the fastest-growing area of collecting error coins. This guide has over thousands of listings for all types of errors, with more than 50,000 coins reviewed since 2009. The values provided give a collector the advantage of buying and selling error coins.

Books are available for advanced collectors.

Contact: An email address is provided for collectors to ask questions and provide help for identifying error coins.

60 years of numismatic expertise
Authored articles for coin magazines
ANA contributions
Error coin submissions

The Basics
Coin collecting basics such as coin details, coin specifications, mintmarks, mint locations, coin mintages, and coins in circulation are all musts for new collectors. Understanding how dies are made and how coins are minted helps understand error coins and how errors occur.

Major Categories
The three major error categories, planchet, die, and striking errors, are described in detail with descriptions and photos.

Viewing and Handling Coins
Handling, and preserving coins are critical to becoming a successful collector and getting the most profit for error coins. Obtaining the best equipment for error detection can help the collector find error coins still in circulation.

Coin Organizations
The importance of coin-collecting organizations and detecting counterfeit coins.

DDO and RPM Coins
Doubled die and RPM error detection using the information in this guide will help a new collector become successful. Finding major and minor error coins and which error coins are not of added value. Recognizing the difference between a machine-doubled coin and an authentic error coin will help new collectors avoid making mistakes with identification.

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