The Oxford Handbook of Animal Studies

By Linda Kalof

The Oxford Handbook of Animal Studies
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Part I. Animals in the landscape of law, politics, and public policy. Animal rights / Gary Francione and Anna Charlton -- Animals in political theory / Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka --,Animals as living property / David Favre -- The human-animal bond / James Serpell -- Animal sheltering / Leslie Irvine -- Roaming dogs / Arnold Arluke and Kate Atema -- Misothery : contempt for animals and nature, its origins, purposes, and repercussions / James B. Mason -- Continental approaches to animals and animality / Ralph Acampora -- Animals as legal subjects / Paul Waldau -- The struggle for compassion and justice through critical animal studies / Carol Gigliotti -- Interspecies dialogue and animal ethics : the feminist care perspective / Josephine Donovan -- Part II. Animal intentionality, agency, and reflexive thinking. Cetacean cognition / Lori Marino -- History and animal agencies / Chris Pearson -- Animals as sentient commodities / Rhoda WilPart I.kie -- Animal work / Jocelyne Porcher -- Animals as reflexive thinkers : the Aponoian paradigm / Mark Rowlands and Susana Monsó -- Part III. Animals as objects in science, food, spectacle, and sport. The ethics of animal research / Bernard Rollin -- The ethics of food animal production / Paul Thompson -- Animals as scientific objects / Mike Michael -- The problem with zoos / Randy Malamud -- Wolf hunting and the ethics of predator control / John Vucetich and Michael P. --Nelson -- Part IV. Animals in cultural representations. Practice and ethics of the use of animals in contemporary art /Joe Zammit-Lucia -- Animals in folklore / Boria Sax -- Part V. Animals in ecosystems. Archaeozoology / Juliet Cluton-Brock -- Animals and ecological science / Anita Guerrini -- Staging privilege, proximity, and "extreme animal tourism" / Jane Desmond -- Commensal species / Terry O'Connor -- Lively cities : people, animals, and urban ecosystems / Marcus Owens and Jennifer Wolch -- Animals in religion / Stephen R.L. Clark.