Author of Evil Chasing Way, Hand Trembler and Sungazer
Hail Chanter, Book Four, in the Star Song series, features one man winding and wending his way through Southwestern real-time and dream-time. This novel serves as the final healing rapture of the previous three books: Evil Chasing Way, Hand Trembler, and Sungazer.
In the earlier novels, the author/storyteller used the ancient art of singing to a star, hand trembling, and praying. The result, from the traditions of the Navajo Old Ways, turns a burning light into a healing one. This process took place on an operating table and in a radiation chamber. Hausman states:
"I followed the sacred speech that a star makes. It lived within me and healed both the inside and outside of me."
The emergence ceremony in Hail Chanter intertwines a mixture of ancient religion with modern medicine. The novel portrays Winter Thunder blowing apart a human form, making it all come together. The healer said:
"It all comes together like a bunch of broken parts waiting to be annealed all over again."
This captivating story maintains Jack Andrews as the hero from the first three novels, while also exploring the character of Jay DeGroat, a Navajo friend of Gerald's for fifty years."...Hausman honors Native American philosophy and spirituality even as he reveals it." -Booklist
"Carlos Castaneda would've loved this book." -Dr Michael Gleeson, Anthropologist