Devotion to my Wife I had this book published in memory and honor of my wife Libby (Elizabeth Boyer). Libby loved Jesus and God's Word more than anybody I know. Libby wanted Jesus to receive all the glory for her life. As you read this book, you will begin to see that Libby has done just exactly that. The purpose of this book is to cause people to want to "pray about everything," and then to watch God bless your life for it. Libby passed away on March 24, 2016, of a long battle with congestive heart failure. I miss my girl more than words can describe, but I know where she is, and I will see her again, to be with Jesus and her forever. Libby's favorite verse of the scripture is James 4:2: "Ye have not because ye ask not." Libby has because she did not hesitate to ask. Wayne Boyer Husband and preacher