Joyce Amacher, an Atlanta native, moved to Dunwoody in 1968 where she and her husband Bill raised their family and enjoyed over fifty years together. In the late 1960s, Joyce focused her talents and passion on community enrichment, fighting the varied effects of urban sprawl while advocating for architectural design standards. As a visionary leader, Joyce knew the talents of other community members, encouraging them to contribute their best. She served as charter member and one-time President of the Dunwoody Homeowners Association, the volunteer governing body until Dunwoody became a city in 2008. When the county planned to expand Ashford Dunwoody Road into a 4-lane, she was influential in gaining permission and funds to beautify the road with a tree-filled median. In 1998 after a devastating tornado, she tirelessly led efforts to replant the Dunwoody Forest. Along with Lynne Byrd, she founded the Dunwoody Preservation Trust, and together they spearheaded efforts to purchase and restore the Cheek-Spruill House, known as the Farmhouse. Amongst the pioneers who established Dunwoody, Joyce Amacher stands as an influential innovator and initiator in restoring Dunwoody's past while creating a city that ranks as one of the most sought-after communities in which to live in metropolitan Atlanta, as well as in the US. This is the story of her efforts, achievements, and legacy, as well as successes she inspired in her neighbors.