Oil, Jihad and Destiny

By Ronald R. Cooke

Oil, Jihad and Destiny
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Oil, Jihad and Destiny is a thought-provoking research report on oil depletion. It provides a comprehensive examination of world oil reserves and production, reviews the cultural challenges of the Middle East, analyzes the economic impact of four alternative oil depletion scenarios, and outlines a proposed course of action to enable a 'soft landing'. World oil production and consumption are evaluated by geographic region. This evaluation, along with a projection of how oil depletion is expected to influence inflation, unemployment, economic growth and the price of gas, is presented in multiple tables and charts.The Revised Edition of Oil, Jihad and Destiny uses historical data from 1970 through 2006 as a basis for analysis, projects the underlying trends through 2030, and includes an updated version of the analytical model. Four scenarios are discussed: a projection of current Production trends, how these trends are modified by tripling the consumption of alternative fuels, and a further modification based on the assumption the United States also reduces its oil consumption by 25 percent (as proposed by some global warming advocates). The forth scenario illustrates the economic impact of a Political Crisis.Oil depletion will create the economic conditions for cultural chaos and extensive lifestyle change. We can, however, engineer a 'soft landing' if we have the collective will. This report describes multiple recommendations to ease our transition to a world without enough oil.