Technical Traffic Crash Investigators' Handbook

By Robert W. Rivers

Technical Traffic Crash Investigators' Handbook
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This expanded and updated third edition continues to be an important reference volume in regards to the principles and techniques involved in advanced traffic accident investigation (Level III — technical or advanced level). It has been prepared to meet the requirements of Level III researchers, trainers and investigators, and reconstructionists. Included in the text is an overview of Levels I and II (basic and secondary at-scene and secondary follow-up crash investigations procedures), with advancements covering the technical level of investigation and an in-depth introduction to Level IV (reconstruction) investigations. Each chapter provides clear definitions of and statements about the topics it contains, with graduated sets of solved problems arranged to present a natural development and understanding of the subject matter. The handbook covers in both written and illustrative form those situations that confront the investigator conducting technical or advanced training and investigations. Thorough discussions and exhaustive data are presented on all investigative elements: fundamentals, investigative procedures, physics and mechanics of vehicle behavior, vehicle placement on the highway, speed estimates from all available evidence, hit-and-run  accidents, photography, and field measurements and scale diagrams. Numerous photographs, drawings, diagrams, and tables amplify the narrative material. Chapter topics are given contemporary treatment to reflect current practice. Upon proper application of the material presented, the reader should be able to investigate and testify with confidence on all segments of Level III investigation set out in the contents pages and to conduct an accident cause analysis. Continuing the precedent established by the first edition, all mathematical references and examples are worked out in both the United States (Imperial) and the S.I. (metric system). Student and practicing police officers, insurance adjusters and investigators, private investigators, and attorneys will find this book to be an invaluable resource in the resolution of traffic accident investigations.

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