"This book combines a number of excellent authors thinking about curriculum. It's a nice blend of known authors and newer writers in the field." — Robert C. Morris, University of West Georgia
"The range of topics—reading, science, art—makes this a complete and comprehensive reader for both novices and experienced educational teachers and leaders." —Jeffrey S. Kaplan, University of Central Florida
Contemporary Readings in Curriculum provides beginning teachers and educational leaders with a series of articles that can help them build their curriculum knowledge base
Key Features and Benefits
Includes Articles From the Following Journals
American School Board Journal
Community College Review
Curriculum & Teaching Dialogue
Education & Urban Society
Educational Leadership
Educational Policy
Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics
Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership
Journal of Chemical Education,
Journal of Curriculum & Supervision
Journal of Curriculum Studies
NASSP Bulletin
Phi Delta Kappan
Rethinking Schools
Teachers College Record
The American Behavioral Scientist
The Educational Forum
The Journal of Social Issues
Theory and Research in Education
Urban Education
Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice
Intended Audience
This book is intended as a supplement for graduate courses such as Curriculum Development, Curriculum Theory, and Curriculum Leadership.