African Indigenous Churches The Church of the Lord (Aladura) The Cherubim and Seraphim Church The Church of Jesus Christ on Earth (Zaire) Zionist Churches in South Africa Church of Christ in Africa (Kenya) Ingigenous Elements of Worship
Caribbean Indigenous Religions and Churches Haitian Voodoo Cuban Santeria Trinidadian Shango Jamaican Churches and Traditional Religions ° Native Baptists ° Myalism ° Kumina ° Jamaican Revivalism
Liberation Theologies in Afro Cultures South Africa's Apartheid Culture South African Liberation Theology Caribbean Liberation Theology (Rastafarianism)
Christian Theology and Afro Cultures Culture and the Grammer of Faith Salvation, Sin, and Death in Afro Cultures
God: Traditional Motifs God in African Traditional Religion Attributes of God ° Divine Ubiquity ° Divine Creator ° Divine Pastoral Care
The Religious Worldview of Africans
Christ: A Son Out of Egypt Boundaries of Christology Christ as the Anointment One Christ as Lord of the Heavens Christ as Healer The Liberator and the Liberated
Spirit and Spirits: Pneumatology and Afro Cultures The Biblical Tradition The Dogmatic Tradition The African Tradition Evil Spirits and Lordship in Afro Cultures The Spirit and Black American Religion Spirits in Black Culture
Ancestors and Saints Hagiolatry and the Ancestors ° Ancestorship in the Caribbean ° Ancestors and Black American Religion Hagiography: Christian Saints and the Ancestors
Epilogue Selected Bibliography Index Acknowledgments