Philosophy is a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means. It signifies a natural and necessary urge in human beings to know themselves and the world in which they live and move and have their being. A person may learn a wide range of knowledge but if this knowledge does not make him/her a better person that knowledge is futile. The end goal of education, therefore is to change a person to become better in all his dimensions.
This Instructional material is designed primarily to the students in the Master Degree Program in Educational Management. This was conceived to meet the need for more comprehensive and updated literature and materials in the study of Foundations of Education.
The authors also have taken great care to present every topic with the basic concepts, theories and principles to make the information understandable and transform the learning experience more meaningful. The areas of concern that will constitute this Instructional material will delve on Historical, Philosophical, Psychological and Some Special Topics on Legal, Anthropological and Sociological dimensions.
For enrichment of the students, assessments are also provided in a form of a Study Guide at the very end of its chapter to determine the comprehension of the students. A Glossary is provided to help the students for an easy reference on the meaning of concepts and terms.
The authors hoped that through this Instructional Materials, the interests and passion in the fields of Education will be enhanced.