The Majestic Twelve

By Jack W. Lynch, II, Rick Lynch

The Majestic Twelve
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As leader of the unit dubbed “The Majestic Twelve,” the author led his team on what some might call the most dangerous duty in the Iraq War—convoy escort. Lynch tells how he formed and commanded his all-volunteer unit, consisting of wildly varying personalities who nevertheless shared an unshakeable com mit - ment to each other and their missions. This action-packed narra tive, taking place between February and August 2004:  • Describes how the Twelve performed 230 missions while never once losing a member of his team or escorts • Provides a poignant look at brave soldiers who pay for gun sights and body armor out of their own pockets • Offers a fascinating look at military life and camaraderie • Reveals how the Twelve were even criticized among their own ranks for doing their jobs—i.e., following the Rules of Engagements and engaging the enemy when called for  This gripping military narrative shows how Lynch and his team fought the war one way: to win.

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