Matter Matters

By Karen Barad, Ethel Baraona, Andreu Balius, Jane Bennet, Francesca Bria, Benjamin Bratton, Isabel Campi, Blanca Callén, Rossend Casanova, Maria Antònia Casanovas, Nerea Calvillo, Josep Capsir, Kate. Crawford, Pilar Cortada, Anthony Dunne, Pol Esteve, Isabel Fernández, Eva Franch i Gilabert, Uriel Fogué, Raúl Goñi, Clara Guasch, Blanca García Gardelegui, Andrés Jaque, Vladan Joler, Timothy Morton, William Myers, Joan Miquel Llodrà Nogueras, Cris Noguer, Carles Oliver, Marina Otero, Javier Peña, Mònica Piera, Blanca Pujals, Philippe Rahm, Bika Rebek, Fiona Raby, Estampa, Laura. Tripaldi, Alicia. Valero, Laura Benítez Valero, Elvira Dyangani Ose, Raúl Muñoz de la Vega, José Luis de Vicente, Ramón Úbeda, Iván Rodríguez, Valerie Bergeron, Robert Thompson, Materfad, Institute for Postnatural Studies

Matter Matters
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Matter Matters reflects on the current environmental and social crises through the lens of materiality, positioning matter as the focal point to address the political ecology of objects in a society striving for carbon neutrality by 2050.

The publication is based on the homonymous exhibition at the Museo del Disseny-Dhub, featuring over 500 pieces, including more than a hundred contemporary designs in dialogue with the museum's historical collection.Matter Matters is structured into eight chapters according to materials: Petrochemical, Plant-based, Animal, Microbiological, Mineral, Digital, Intangible, and Affection-Fiction. Each chapter includes articles by international and local authors, as well as micro-narratives that visually showcase the pieces from the exhibition in various juxtapositions.