
By Diana M. A. Relke

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Relke (women's and gender studies, U. of Saskatchewan) divides her book into what she calls three chronological "moments in feminist ecocritical consciousness": poetic, ecological, and ecocritical. Essays included under poetic consciousness are preoccupied with woman's search for subjectivity in a literary universe that can't accommodate women poets of nature, examining, for example, Atwood's Journals of Susanna Moodie. To ecological consciousness, Relke assigns essays examining how Dorothy Livesay, Isabella Valancy Crawford and Daphne Marlatt understand the metaphor, woman = nature, and how they use it to address green concerns. Lastly, essays under ecocritical consciousness focus on the critical act itself and on the masculine construction of Canadian literary history. The book's constant theme, writes Relke, "concerns the struggle by women poets to make the best of a bad idea--namely, patriarchy." Canadian card order number: C99-910815-8. Distribute by Raincoast Distribution Services. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.

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