This book is every Physical Therapy Student’s Bible. “If…you purchase this book during your first semester of PT school, it will help you immensely! Don't wait until Neuro PT to purchase this book. Use this book as a guide for every PT class from Integumentary to Pediatrics to Neuroanatomy!”—Online Reviewer
A must-have for all PT's, PTA's and PT/PTA students... “Basically Wikipedia for physical therapy only has a lot more specific information pertaining to client/patient care and doesn't require a computer.”—Alex N., Online Reviewer
Five Stars. “This book is very comprehensive and contains almost everything you need to know for the NPTE exam.”—Laura M., Online Reviewer
Rely on this comprehensive, curriculum-spanning text and reference now and throughout your career! You’ll find everything you need to know about the rehabilitation management of adult patients… from integrating basic surgical, medical, and therapeutic interventions to how to select the most appropriate evaluation procedures, develop rehabilitation goals, and implement a treatment plan.