Compressive Strength of 24S-T Aluminum-alloy Flat Panels with Longitudinal Formed Hat-section Stiffeners Having a Ratio of Stiffener Thickness to Skin Thickness Equal to 1.00
By William A. Hickman, Norris F. Dow
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Results are present for part of a test program on 24S-T aluminum-alloy flat compression panels with hat-section stiffeners. The results show the effect of the relative dimensions of a panel on the buckling stress and average stress at maximum load. Comparative envelope curves are presented to provide some indication of the relative structural efficiencies of hat- and Z-stiffened panels having a ratio of stiffener thicknews to skin thickness of one.
Book Details
Public Domain: Yes
Country: US
Published: 1947
Publisher: National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics