Do you want to know how our mental processes impact our behaviour?
Have you ever wondered about memory works and why is it flawed?
Do you want to know how we think and what affects our decisions?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes then this is the book for you.
By the end of this book, you’ll learn:
· What is cognitive psychology?
· How memory works?
· What affects our memory?
· How we learn language?
· How technology affects our mental processes?
· And more…
If you want a great, engaging, easy to understand book about cognitive psychology. You will love this book!
Cognitive Psychology Content:
Part One: Memory
Chapter 1: Introduction to Memory
Chapter 2: Retrieval of Memory
Chapter 3: Multi-Store Memory Model
Chapter 4: Working Memory Model
Chapter 5: Reliability of Memory
Chapter 6: Episodic Memory
Chapter 7: Emotion and Memory
Part Two: Decision-Making, Thinking and Technology
Chapter 8: Decision-Making and Thinking
Chapter 9: Visual Imagery
Chapter 10: Biases in Thinking
Chapter 11: Decision Neuroscience
Chapter 12: Cognition in A Digital World
Part Three: The Psychology and Neuroscience of Learning
Chapter 13: Learning: Habitual and Basis of Learning
Chapter 14: Types of Learning
Chapter 15: Biology of Learning and Memory
Chapter 16: Schema
Part Four: Social Cognition, Empathy and Emotion
Chapter 17: Social Cognition, Empathy and Mirror Neurons
Chapter 18: Emotion
Chapter 19: Emotion Through A Social Psychology Lens
Chapter 20: Emotion and Cognition
Chapter 21: How Does Emotion Influence Cognition?
Chapter 22: How Does Cognition Influence Emotion?
Chapter 23: Does Cognition Cause Emotion?
Chapter 24: The Conscious
Chapter 25: The Basis of Conscious
Part Five: Language
Chapter 26: Language
Chapter 27: How Do We Learn A Language?
Part Six: Attention: Recognition, Altered Functions and Controls
Chapter 28: Attention
Chapter 29: Object Recognition
Chapter 30: Facial Recognition
Chapter 31: Altered Cognitive Functions and Neuropsychology
Chapter 32: Cognitive Controls