Eireland! Eireland! Which are their roots, their development throughout multi-millennial history since the deep ancient to the present days?
Like the Greeks, like the Romans, like the Germans, like the English, this great and unique European People, which once ruled over a fourth of antique Europe, sprang from a small beginning and from narrows confines... like the Greeks, like the Romans, like the Germans and like the English...
The 12 Axis of EireLand are embraced by the 12 European Union Stars, creating an inseparable bipolarity and bivalency into Europe, with Europe and through Europe.
Therefore, the EireLand Synthesis must be an European survey, rethought through the Axis of EireLand’s Living Soul, by reciting poems in Gaelic Words and Tears, for over 2000 years, then in Old and Middle Irish Sagas through the Triad of mythological tales, king tales and hero tales (600-1200 AD).
The Early Modern Irish Literature (1200-1600) of bardic poetry of exile, of love and personal sorrows, has been recollected by the Modern and Contemporary Irish Literature (1600-onward).
The Gaelic revivalism of 20th Century Irish Renaissance have an indefinable Irish quality of rhythm and style, a GAELIC QUANTUM OF SPIRIT; translated in many Nobel Prices by re-telling the keltos substratum to chell as Victory!
The power of multiplicity of pathos sufferings has been seeded and carved in Letter, Words and Soul, as keenly daily bread that resurrected the milestone of Gaelic Spirit in becoming the ONENESS!
Europaen Unionologist