EBay Bookseller Secrets

By Jack Holland

EBay Bookseller Secrets
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Introduction: Fortunes are being made everyday in the eBay book trade. This concise guide unlocks the secrets of the highly lucrative market. Whether you are a buyer or seller, this guide puts you in the driver's seat. Why do dozens of books go unsold on eBay each day? Is it a buyer's market or a seller's market? All this and much more revealed inside! Disclaimer: The Fine Print Caution: This is a 30 page book, and sells for $49.95 a copy. That works out to around a $1.66 per page. It is very expensive. As I not only write, edit, select the artwork, design the covers, and do the layout for my self-published books, with the support of a loving wife and the assistance of a gentleman professor friend who has a keen eye for grammatical slaughter, I expect to be rewarded for my efforts. Therefore, you are buying my creativity and it is does not come cheaply. The artist who accepts a pittance for his work is likely to remain poor and deserves what he receives, which is a fool's errand. Matter of fact, this book is much too expensive for most folks and curiosity seekers may well find the information falls short of their expectations. Much like buying stocks, if one cannot afford to shell out fifty bucks for frivolous expenditures, then one's money should remain in the bank. For those more risk averse I suggest instead they may wish to consider purchasing a copy of Thomas Pynchon's Mason and Dixon as it has somewhere in the neighborhood of eight hundred pages, or better yet, perhaps spending the fifty bucks on a sure thing-say life insurance for instance. Fifty bucks will also buy around six gallons of gas and a half a dozen shotgun shells should one have the desire to drive out to the country, pull the trigger and follow in the footsteps of other literary greats such as Ernest Hemingway, Hart Crane, Virginia Woolf, Heinrich von Kleist, or more recently, Gonzo (Hunter S. Thompson). They went out with a bang, so to speak. And, if the public has been sufficiently convinced by the literary critics that the shooter was a great artist prior to having pulled the trigger there is a chance that a literary prize might be named after them. Now, to set the record straight, Virginia Woolf didn't use a gun, she simply filled her pockets with rocks and walked into the River Ouse, in England. Heinrich von Kleist shot himself, after doing his wife in first, on the shores of the Little Wansee River in Germany. I wonder if Kleist used a double-barreled shotgun. Hemingway apparently blew his own head off in the doorway of his Ketchum, Idaho ranch house. Since he did not leave a suicide note, we have no way of knowing whether or not he intended to make it down to the river first, and simply changed his mind, or perhaps tripped and had an accident. The press, in fact, at the time, covered his suicide up, calling it an accident. We certainly cannot have our literary heroes and Nobel Prize winners in control of their own destiny, what? Gonzo planned his own killing years in advance; there was no surprise there. Woolf, Hemingway, and Kleist each have literary prizes named after them. Literary critics have also been known to pull the trigger, at a rate of about 1 per every 34 suicidal writers. Apparently there are more writers than critics, or perhaps the writers drive the critics to suicide. At any rate, it is recommended that one may wish to buy a life insurance policy prior to pulling the trigger, at least then, the fifty bucks is sure to pay off. However, I can assure one and all that a much more pleasant way to earn a return on one's fifty dollar investment is to put the time tested bookselling strategies which are laid out in this book to work. PS. This is the Deluxe First Edition, First Printing. If you happened to buy one of the earlier First Editions with the yellow cover that read Top Secret on the inside cover, you may wish to hang onto it, as there were only 414 published. Jack Holland

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