keep an angler busy for decades, and author Phil
Shook breaks it down from Baja to the Yucatan and well
beyond. Everything from tourist destinations like Cancun,
Mazatlan and Acapulco, to lesser known locales
such as Campeche, Ascension Bay, Tampico, Veracruz,
Xcalak and much more, Shook has dedicated years of
his life to researching Mexico's vast fisheries, and readers
are privy to his insights in this all-inclusive book. If
it's a viable sport-fishery, it's in the book.
Shook guides anglers to the best tarpon, permit,
bonefish and roosterfish fishing, while giving tips
to steer them clear from potential trouble. Shook also
details the best lodges, guide services and guides from
his experience. Also covered are dorado, sailfish,
mackerel, redfish, seatrout, snook, jack crevalle, marlin,
ladyfish, snapper, tuna, barracuda, baby tarpon,
needlefish, skipjack and more.
Angler's need not avoid Mexico with the information
contained in this guide. If you're a seasoned
saltwater expert looking to expand your repertoire,
you'll want this book. If you've always dreamed of getting
wet in the tropics with targeting 100-pound tarpon
or 8-pound bones, you'll want this book.