Arabic For Dummies

By Amine Bouchentouf

Arabic For Dummies
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The fast and easy way to learn to speak Modern StandardArabic

Regarded as one of the most difficult languages to learn fornative English speakers, Arabic is gaining global prominence andimportance. Recent world events have brought more and more Englishspeakers into contact with Arabic-speaking populations, andgovernments and businesses are increasingly aware of the importanceof basic Arabic language skills.

Arabic For Dummies presents the language in the classicFor Dummies style. Taking a straightforward and practical approachto this complex language, it's packed with practice dialogues andcommunication tips that will have you talking the talk in notime.

  • The Arabic alphabet, pronunciation, basic grammar, and therules of transliteration
  • The history of the language and information on classical Arabicand its dialects—focusing on Modern Standard Arabic
  • How to make small talk and make yourself understood whendining, shopping, or traveling around town
  • How to communicate on the phone and in businessconversations
  • Handy words and phrases for dealing with money, directions,hotels, transportation, and emergencies
  • Arabic culture and etiquette, including ten things you shouldnever do in Arabic countries
  • Recognizing Arabic symbols and characters
  • The book also includes an Arabic-English dictionary, verbtables, and an audio CD with dialogues from the book to help youperfect your pronunciation

Written by a native Arabic speaker who helped start a year-roundArabic department at Middlebury College, Arabic For Dummiesis just what you need to start making yourself understood inArabic.

CD-ROM and other supplementary materials are not included aspart of the e-book file, but are available for download afterpurchase.

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