Meet the Pollinators

By Barbara Ciletti

Meet the Pollinators
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This vital and simply told story of pollination offers lushvisual effects that illuminate their ongoing work by day and by night.

Presented narratively, this title captivates young learners,emphasizing pollinators' vital role in our planet's survival. It conveysthat even small creatures wield significant influence, illustratingpollinators' continuous journey for food.

The intricate dance between pollinators and flowers is nature'swisdom in action. As flowers beckon, pollinators respond, playing apivotal role in life's cycle. This dynamic exchange narrates the storyof pollination, where pollinators fertilize plants while obtainingsustenance.

Key Features:

  • Engages young learners, emphasizing pollinators' life-giving role.
  • Conveys that even small creatures make enormous Earth contributions.
  • Educates about 24/7 global pollination value.
  • Makes pollination understanding visual and accessible.
  • Provides a closer look at pollination as a story.
Includes additional teaching materials that enrich learning withpollinator bios, flower diagrams, and pollinator garden flowersuggestions. This story underscores the importance of caring forEarth, highlighting its reciprocal response to positive stewardship.

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