Designing Mental Health Services and Systems for Children and Adolescents

By J. Gerald Young, Pierre Ferrari

Designing Mental Health Services and Systems for Children and Adolescents
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TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART 1. THE GENESIS AND PREVALENCE OF DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOPATHOLOGY: DEFINING THE NEED FOR MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS. 1. Developmental Psychopathology and Child Mental Health Services: Risk and Protective Factors in Children, Families, and Society / D. J. Cohen and E. Caffo. 2. The Scope and Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence / M. E. Schwab-Stone and M. J. Briggs-Gowan. PART 2. THE COSTS OF DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOPATHOLOGY: FINANCING, MANAGEMENT, AND QUALITY OF CARE OF MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS. 3. Trends in Cost Management for Healthcare Delivery Services: Managed Care in the 1990s / J. G. Young. 4. The Consequences of Changes in Mental Health Systems for Individual Children and Families / J. E. Schowalter. 5. Quality and Economics: The Concept of Equity in Times of Limited Resources / M. Zanetti. 6. A Shrewd Investment: The Economics of Mental Heathcare for Children and Adolescents / D. W. Light and V. F. A. Bailey. PART 3: THE UTILIZATION AND OUTCOMES OF CURRENT TREATMENTS FOR DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. 7. Survey of the Utilization of Psychiatric Services for Children and Adolescents in Germany / H. Remschmidt, M. H. Schmidt, R. Walter. 8. Issues in the Evaluation of Systems of Mental Health Services: A Perspective and Recent Developments / P. J. Leaf. 9. Evaluating Community-Based Mental Health Services for Children with Serious Mental Illness: Toward a New Paradigm of Systems of Care / L. Saxe. PART 4: MODELS OF TREATMENT AND PREVENTIVE INTERVENTIONS FOR DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. 10. The Mental Health System for Children and Adolescents: Issues in the Definition and Evaluation of Treatments and Services / D. J. Cohen. 11. Research Priorities for the Improvement of Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents: A Social Work Perspective / R. A. Feldman. 12. Treatment Outcomes: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy / M. Bertolini and F. Neri. 13. Prevention Research in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry / P. S. Jensen. 14. A Framework for Preventive Intervention: Parental Awareness of Developmental Problems and Early Diagnosis in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology / G. Levi and R. Penge. 15. The Mental Health Team in the Daycare Center: The Role of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist / M. Cherro-Aguerre. 16. Can Home Treatment Replace Inpatient Treatment of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders? / M. H. Schmidt, B. Blanz, C. Gopel, and B. Lay. 17. Mental Health Services for Infants and Young Children / L. C. Mayes. 18. Designing Mental Health Services for Adolescents / R. A King. 19. Designing Mental Healthcare Systems: Implications for the Training of Future Clinicians / P. S. Jensen. PART 5: INTERNATIONAL MODELS OF MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEMS FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS: WHAT IS THE REALITY WHEN WE PUT PRINCIPLES INTO PRACTICE? 20. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in France / C. Chiland, P. Ferrari, and S. Tordjman. 21. Approaches to the Development of Mental Health Systems for Children in the Nordic Countries / H. Hannesdottir. 22. Structure and Organization of Services for Children and Adolescents with Psychiatric Disorders in Germany / H. Remschmidt. 23. Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents in the United Kingdom / I. M. Goodyer. 24. International Perspectives on the Economics of Mental Health care for Children and Adolescents: Economic Policies and the Swedish Experience / K. Schleimer. 25. Mental Health Reform: The Israeli Experience / S. Tyano and T. Mozes. 26. Managed Care: How Is It Managing in the United States / J. G. Young, D. Kaplan. 27. Challenges in Providing Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents in India / S. Malhotra. 28. The Economics of Mental Healthcare in the Context of Rapid Political Change in Hungary / A. Vetro. 29. The Current Status of Mental Healthcare for Children in Russia / A. A. Severny, A. Y. Smirnov. 30. Planning Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents in Brazil / S. Celia. 31. The Impact of Changes in Healthcare Systems on Psychiatric Care for Children and Adolescents in Hong Kong / T-P. Ho. 32. Transitions for Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents: The Polish Experience / J. Bomba. 33. Strategies for Responding to the Needs of Adolescents in Romania / T. Mircea. PART 6: SUMMARY: RECONCILING EVOLVING ECONOMIC STRATEGIES AND THE NEEDS OF CHILDREN IN 21ST CENTURY SYSTEMS OF CARE. 34. Designing Mental Health Services and Systems for Children and Adolescents: Observations and Recommendations / J. G. Young and P Ferrari. PART 7: RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY AND ALLIED PROFESSIONS (IACAPAP). 35. Mental Health Services and Systems for Children and Adolescents. 36. Declaration of Venice: Principles for Organizing Mental Health Systems for Children and Adolescents (1996).