The Love Poems of Lord Byron

By George Gordon Byron

The Love Poems of Lord Byron
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Truly the epitome of the Romantic Poet, Lord Byron traveled and loved throughout Europe and wrote picaresque verse that proved immensely popular to audiences of his day. The man whose name is synonymous with romance gave his life in the noble cause of Greek liberty at the young age of thirty-six.

Byron's love lyrics-like his epic works, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage and Don Juan-cast light on his legendary amorous exploits. The poems range from his schoolboy imitation of Catullus, to the poems praising such early loves as Mary Chaworth and Theresa Macri, to the tender lyrics for his half sister, Augusta Leigh, and poignant reflections on a failed marriage in "Fare Thee Well." Byron's poetry reveals a complex mix of self-revelation and breadth of knowledge plus an artistically modern sensibility.

This selection of forty-four poems includes an introduction to Byron's life and notes on individual poems. Portraits of the various women in Byron's life contribute to this handsome collector's edition.

The Love Poems of Lord Byron: A Romantic's Passion is the seventh volume in a poetry series that already includes The Sonnets: Poems of Love by William Shakespeare, The Love Poems of John Donne, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, A Poet to His Beloved: The Early Poems of W.B. Yeats, Sonnets from the Portuguese: A Celebration of Love by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and The Love Poems of John Keats: In Praise of Beauty.

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