Qi Gong is seen by many as something mystical or other-worldly, yet, in ancient China, it was considered an internally based technology, accessible to all, offering powerful yet simple techniques to strengthen health and vitality, heal illness, enhance martial power - a path to connect with the realms of Nature and Spirit.
All living beings are part of a vast profound Whole, beautifully knit together with inexhaustible vibrant energy called Qi. The cultivation and exploration of Qi deepens and enriches our human experience through awakening and amplifying our own innate capabilities. We are designed to help others heal, communicate with Nature, receive Divine guidance and participate in life enhancing evolution. Accessing these deeper levels of our own humanity may be seen as a two fold path: one consists of forms or routines designed to connect us to the flow of Qi to absorb and direct it, and the other as a quest for virtue through love and kindness. When these outer and inner paths merge, a profound transformation occurs.
Qi Gong: Rediscovering Our Humanity offers a remedy for many of today’s concerns involving physical health, emotional balance and the nurturing of the planet we inhabit, discussing the nature of Qi, the history of Qi Gong and its influence on medicine, martial arts, and ancient and modern culture. It includes safe, easy to follow instructions with illustrations for three styles of Qi cultivation, suggesting that this concept is much closer to us than we may have thought.