Shy, downtrodden Remany Layton lost her family to a horrific car accident on her eighteenth birthday. Now, she's alone and desperate, trapped beneath the roof of her two children's abusive father for financial reasons. Remany, called Remy by her friends, is resigned to go on, living a lonely, mediocre life-until one day, when something changes.
One of her customers at work invites her to a party at his house. Remy is notoriously timid and uncomfortable in social situations, happy to linger on the dim edges of the party. When a handsome stranger brings her into the light, however, she finds herself intrigued. Callaran Reagan is a mystery, and she has never met anyone like him. They find themselves inevitably drawn toward each other.
As Remy's feelings evolve, her hope for a better life increases; even so, Callaran seems hesitant. She does not doubt his fondness for her, but he's definitely hiding something. Remy can't possibly understand that Callaran's secret is of another world-a world that could spell extreme danger for Remy and her children.