Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards

By Julia Parker

Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards
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The Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards is a "re-publication" of a famous fortune-telling book written in the 1920s by one "Gypsy Rickwood". Nobody knows who she was, but in that original edition, she said that the method is a very old one - practiced by wandering gypsies long before it was ever set down on paper. Based on the Romany tradition of fortune-telling, astrologer Julia Parker has translated the original questions and answers to suit today's lifestyles and preoccupations. With each book comes a beautifully designed pack of tarot cards. To ask a question about the future, simply shuffle the pack, concentrate on the question, and draw a card. Detailed explanations are provided in the accompanying book. Will you be successful? How many times will you fall in love? Are you wasting your talents at your current job? What is your lucky number? These and many more fundamental questions regarding love, life, and chance are all answered in this wonderful little package.

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