Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare, 2e

By Joel Bozue, Christopher K. Cote, Pamela J. Glass, The Borden Institute, U.S. Army Medical Department

Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare, 2e
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Reflecting the critical threat posed by biological warfare and terrorism in a post 9-11 world, Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare, 2e, addresses the weaponization of biological agents, categorizing potential agents as food, waterborne, or agricultural agents or toxins, and discusses their respective epidemiology. Recent advances in biomedical knowledge are presented that include descriptions of individual agents and the illnesses induced. Authors discuss biotoxins and explain methods for early identification for anthrax, plague, smallpox, alphaviruses, and staphylococcal enterotoxins. Case studies and research on successful management practices, treatments, and antidotes are also included. Contains updated and revised material since previous, 2007 edition.(Previous Print Hardcover ISBN: 9780160797316; eBook: 9780160872389)

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