Nursing in Today's World

By Amy Stegen, Holli Sowerby

Nursing in Today's World
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Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Fully updated to cover today’s issues and trends, this classic text contains many real-life scenarios, giving students ample opportunities to understand and apply what they are learning. Chronological coverage moves from history (Unit I) to current events and issues (Unit II) to future nursing roles and responsibilities (Unit III). Using examples and case studies throughout, the authors address a wide range of topics, including educational preparation, licensure, employment opportunities, ethics/bioethics, evidence-based practice, nursing theory, safety, culture, healthcare reform/politics, and leadership and management—including managing conflict and change, coaching and team building, and applying research and technology to nursing practice. Key Features NEW! Content updates NEW! Daily Ethical Dilemmas boxes NEW! Nursing Theory Alert boxes NEW! Evidence-Based Practice boxes NEW! Cartoon Curriculum visuals NEW! Stegen & Sowerby Stories NEW! NCLEX® Preparation Tools Critical Thinking Activities Communication in Actionboxes

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