Foreclosures in Florida, 2nd Edition provides comprehensive coverage of the law as well as the legal strategies for lenders and borrowers embroiled in litigation. The title features a detailed examination of foreclosure procedures from the inception of default all the way to the impact of foreclosure appeals by compiling an analysis of the practical consideration, the legal principles and the hundreds of Florida decisions that govern the foreclosure process.
Other features include:
• A breakdown & analysis of pre-trial issues Includes dozens of forms
• An overview of the current foreclosure crisis
• The latest developments concerning mortgage fraud
• Legal strategies for borrowers including extensive treatment of lender liability laws
• Highlights differences among Florida courts in such areas as defaults, receiverships, objections to foreclosure sales & motions for deficiency
• Provided an unparalleled examination of the law and strategies for deficiency judgments, including an analysis of the rarely considered right to trial by jury
• Presents the mechanics and case law governing foreclosure sales and the issuance of title, as well as the framework for objections to sale
The eBook versions of this title feature links to Lexis Advance for further legal research options.