Hydrogeology: Principles and Practice provides a comprehensiveintroduction to the study of hydrogeology and the significance ofgroundwater in the terrestrial aquatic environment.
Earlier chapters explain the fundamental physical and chemicalprinciples of hydrogeology, and later chapters feature groundwaterinvestigation techniques and contaminant hydrogeology. A uniquefeature of the book is a chapter on the application ofenvironmental isotopes and noble gases in the interpretation ofaquifer evolution. The last chapter discusses groundwater resourcesand environmental management, and examines the role of groundwaterin integrated river basin management, including the possibleimpacts of climate change.
Throughout the text, boxes are used to explain special topics andto illustrate international case studies. The appendices provideuseful reference material and include review questions andexercises to develop the reader's knowledge and problem-solvingskills in hydrogeology.
This accessible textbook is essential reading for undergraduate andgraduate students in earth and environmental sciences taking acourse in hydrogeology or groundwater science.
An Instructor manual CD-ROM for this title is available. Pleasecontact our Higher Education team at ahref="mailto:HigherEducation@wiley.com"HigherEducation@wiley.com/afor more information.