
By Duane L. Dobbert Ph.D.

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Contributors to this unique book explain and compare major theories drawn from several academic fields to uncover the root causes of deviance.

In this unparalleled exploration of antisocial and aberrant behavior, criminologists and other experts examine the theoretical perspectives of 15 classical psychological, political science, and economics scholars to shed light on the impetus for deviant behaviors. Murder, mayhem, robbery, sexual assault, and sexual activity with minor children are among the degenerate behaviors cited.

Each chapter focuses on the effectiveness of a specific theory, and considers conundrums such as "Does the Darwinian approach explain sexual assault as a drive to procreate?" "Can B.F. Skinner's theoretical perspective explain pedophilia?" and "Can an individual be incompetent at the time of an offense and competent at the time of the trial?" The book reveals how the major psychological, social, and environmental doctrines can explain the behaviors and patterns of a nonconforming mindset. The work addresses the theories of well-known thinkers like Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, Travis Hirschi, and Sigmund Freud, among others.

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