Letter to Bettina Funcke

By Kenneth Goldsmith

Letter to Bettina Funcke
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"In a letter to Bettina Funcke, dOCUMENTA (13)'s Head of Publications, New York-based poet Kenneth Goldsmith (b.1961) weaves the strands of his artistic practice into an overall picture of his work. He begins with the online archive UbuWeb, which he founded in 1996: a noncommercial platform where he collects and presents material from all areas of avant-garde artistic production (poetry, film, video, sound, etc). The descriptions of his work on UbuWeb, as a writer (who retypes existing texts), as a host of a weekly radio show (who reads out other DJs' set lists and texts from blogs), and as a professor of English literature (who teaches "uncreative writing"), together with theoretical and poetic inserts, condense to a complex reflection about poetry under the influence of appropriation."--Publisher's website.

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