The practice of illegally downloading copyrighted materials continues to spread globally, costing the entertainment industry and governments billions of dollars each year. Why do some people take part in this behavior? Award-winning authors, Dr. George E. Higgins and Dr. Catherine D. Marcum, address this question in Digital Piracy: An Integrated Theoretical Approach.
This book provides practitioners working in information technology outside of academia, students, and scholars in multiple disciplines an integrated approach to understanding why this behavior occurs. Drawing from the empirical literature and theories from several disciplines including business, economics, information technology, sociology, law and criminology, this book brings the known facts about digital piracy in America together in one place. This book takes an important step by presenting an integrated theory, derived from the theoretical and research literatures, for understanding digital piracy that provides suggestions for reducing instances of digital piracy behavior.
The teacher's manual will be available electronically on a CD or via email. Please contact Beth Hall at bhall@cap-press.com to request a copy.
"Relying on data sources like the Uniform Crime Reports, the National Crime Victimization Survey, and data provided by the Business Software Alliance, and merging economic, sociological, criminological, and information technology and computer science theories of piracy, the authors succeed in showing the prevalence of distinct piracy forms. Moreover, Higgins and Marcum succeed in developing and offering directions to apply an integrated explanatory framework of digital piracy.... Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates and above." -- CHOICE Magazine