● Candles work great in a blackout unless you don't have any. But vegetable-oil lamps are a good substitute. They've been around since biblical times. Think of it as proven technology. The needed materials can be found in most kitchen pantries even where no conscious "prepping" has taken place beforehand. And the operating cost for a vegetable-oil lamp is under a penny per hour, less than any type of candle.
★★★ Reader Feedback: Very informative and interesting . . . A must have for the modern prepper . . . I consider it a great value. The pictures are clear and the descriptions . . . are excellent. - Moss VanGogh
● Olive Oil Lamps &c. is Book 2 in our Non-Electric Lighting Series. Fifteen different vegetable-oil lamp designs are presented that you can make yourself. (And if you count the variations, it's more like 22 or 23.) These are simple lamps, easy to understand. Some will even burn semisolid fats (Crisco, margarine, butter, or lard).
● Olive Oil Lamps &c. contains 8400 words, 51 color illustrations, and is 52 pages long. It's available in Kindle eBook format as well as paper.
★★★ Reader Feedback: Such a cool and practical book! LOVE IT!!! - Pharrell
● Please know that olive oil will not burn in a modern kerosene lamp. By design (for safety) in a kerosene lamp the flame is always 1.75 inches or more above the kero. A wick will simply not lift thick, viscous vegetable oil that far.
● Knowledge is power. That's what my college roommate kept repeating to me all those years ago. And the knowledge in this little book can spare you much of the helplessness you feel during a blackout. Like with the sniffling kids. And the wife pretending to be brave. Hmm. How can I put this? Help is on the way.
★★★ Reader Feedback: I followed the book's instructions and made a basic lamp with a tiny mason jar and its lid. My wife was surprised that it worked. The lamp puts out the same light as a candle. - A. Willis
● But it's also important to know what NOT to do. There's lots of bogus information around. YouTube, unfortunately, seems to have more than its share. This book tells you things to avoid.
● It will take you roughly half an hour to read this book. Afterwards, you'll be much better equipped to handle a blackout, whether it finds you at home or traveling far from your supplies. Thirty minutes well spent.
● This is an 8-book series. The quickest way to see the other titles is [1] to click on the Follow the Author link elsewhere on this page. Or [2] if you're not in Amazon as you read this, copy-and-paste "the non-electric lighting series" (including the quote marks) into the Google search bar.