Study Guide for Today's Medical Assistant - E-Book

By Kathy Bonewit-West, Sue Hunt, Edith Applegate

Study Guide for Today's Medical Assistant - E-Book
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Use this study tool to master the content from your Today's Medical Assistant: Clinical & Administrative Procedures, 2nd Edition textbook! Corresponding to the chapters in the textbook by Kathy Bonewit-West, Sue Hunt, and Edith Applegate, this study guide helps you understand and apply the material with practical exercises, activities, flashcards, checklists, review questions, and more.

Chapter assignment tables at the beginning of chapters guide you through textbook and study guide assignments, and make it easy to track your progress.

Laboratory assignment tables

list the procedures in each chapter, including study guide page number references, and indicate the procedures shown on the DVDs.

A pretest and posttest

in each chapter measure your understanding with 10 true/false questions.

Key term assessments

include exercises to help in reviewing and mastering new vocabulary.

Evaluation of Learning

let you assess your understanding, evaluate progress, and prepare for the certification examination.

Critical thinking activities

let you apply your knowledge to real-life situations.

Practice for Competency

offer extra practice on clinical skills presented in the book.

Evaluation of Competency

evaluate your performance versus stated objectives and updated CAAHEP performance standards. Updated content includes exercises for topics such as electronic medical records, advanced directives, HIPAA, emergency preparedness, ICD-10 coding, documentation, medical office technology, medical asepsis, vital signs, pediatrics, colonoscopy, IV therapy, and CLIA waived tests.

New activities

provide practice for the Today's Medical Assistant textbook’s newest and most up-to-date content.

New Emergency Protective Practices for the Medical Office

chapter includes procedures, critical thinking questions, and other activities to help you understand emergency preparedness.

New Wheelchair Transfer Procedure and Evaluation of Competency checklist

includes a step-by-step guide to this important procedure.

New video evaluation worksheets

on the Evolve companion website reinforce the procedures demonstrated on the textbook DVDs.

New practicum and externship activities

on Evolve provide practice with real-world scenarios.

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