The Twilight Phenomenon

By Kurt D. Bruner, Olivia Bruner

The Twilight Phenomenon
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The Twilight Phenomenon Forbidden Fruit or Thirst- Quenching Fantasy? equips parents and leaders to candidly discuss the Twilight series with teens who have been caught up in the romance of a human girl and a vampire boy. Much like Harry Potter caught the attention of millions of boys worldwide with spellbinding tales, the Twilight series is holding teenage girls captive with tempting fantasy stories that peak young impressionable minds. Readers of The Twilight Phenomenon will be shocked with the compelling truth behind why the Twilight series is so entrancing. It answers questions including:Do vampires have souls? What is immortality how is it lost or gained? What is the nature of evil? What sacrifices should be made for love?What is the nature of temptation? Veteran authors of books exposing the good and bad reality of popular books,Kurt and Olivia Bruner successfully help parents navigate the challenges and opportunities that emerge from pop culture by leveraging teen interests to drive dialogue about Christian orthodoxy. Other books by the Bruner s include Finding God in the Lord of the Rings, Shedding Light on His Dark Materials,Playstation Nation, and How to Mess UpYour Child s Life. Concerned parents, teachers, grandparents, youth leaders, and all adults who care about children and young adults will greatly value the wisdom and intelligent conversation shared in The Twilight Phenomenon Forbidden Fruit or Thirst Quenching Fantasy?

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