"What's the one thing companies care about? Conversion. Getting potential customers to convert into real, actual, customers. But how do you do that in a world of Facebook, Google, YouTube, blogs, and Flickr? Mike Moran shows you how--by trying lots of little things, studying the results, learning quickly from your failures, and doing it all over again. He gives you a framework for getting over your fears of talking with your customers without a committee to protect your behind. Great book."
-Robert Scoble
Video blogger of the Scoble Show and Co-author of the top-selling corporate blogging book, Naked Conversations
Start Fast, Fix Fast, and Fix Again: Marketing for Breakthrough Results
For decades, marketers have been taught to carefully plan ahead because "you must get it right-it''s too expensive to change." But, in the age of the Web, you can know in hours whether your strategy''s working. Today, winners don''t get it right the first time: they start fast, change fast, and relentlessly optimize their way to success. They do it wrong quickly...then fix it, just as quickly!
In this book, Internet marketing pioneer Mike Moran shows you how to do that-step-by-step and in detail. Drawing on his experience building ibm.com into one of the world''s most successful sites, Moran shows how to quickly transition from "plan then execute" to a non-stop cycle of refinement.
You''ll master specific techniques for making the Web''s "two-way marketing conversation" work successfully, productively, and profitably. Next, Moran shows how to choose the right new marketing tools, craft them into an integrated strategy, and execute it...achieving unprecedented efficiency, accountability, speed, and results.
Foreward xv
Preface xvii
Acknowledgements xxiii
About the Author xxvii
Part 1: That Newfangled Marketing 1
Chapter 1: They''re Doing Wonderful Things with Computers 3
Chapter 2: New Wine in Old Bottles 21
Chapter 3: Marketing Is a Conversation 55
Part 2: That Newfangled Direct Marketing 103
Chapter 4: Going Over to the Dark Side 105
Chapter 5: The New Customer Relations 149
Chapter 6: Customers Vote with Their Mice 211
Part 3: That Newfangled You 253
Chapter 7: This Doesn''t Work for Me 255
Chapter 8: This Won''t Work Where I Work 275
Chapter 9: This Stuff Changes Too Fast 315
Glossary 335
Index 365