The result of collaboration between AWHONN, NANN, and AACN, this valuable reference provides essential knowledge on today's neonatal intensive care nursing practice. Beginning with an overview of obstetric care and the infant in transition to extrauterine life, it proceeds into more in-depth coverage of the most common neonatal disorders and their management. Presented in a concise and consistent outline format, each chapter walks readers through the neonatal condition including the definition, etiology, pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatments, and outcomes. It's also ideal as a study guide for those wishing to prepare for certification examinations in neonatal intensive care nursing.
- The concise, outline format provides access to important nursing considerations associated with the management of the most common conditions in the neonate.
- Content provides all of the necessary information to prepare for the neonatal intensive care nursing certification examination.
- Information on families, ethics, legal issues, research, case management, and the transition to home reflects the full scope of neonatal nursing practice.
- New chapters on Fluid and Electrolyte Management, Glucose Management, and Laboratory and Diagnostic Test Interpretation provide important care considerations on the management of the neonate.
- A new chapter on Families in Crisis focuses on how nurses can intervene with families experiencing a crisis due to the birth of the preterm, sick full term, or loss of an infant.
- A new chapter on Care of the Extremely Low Birth Weight Infant provides an overview of the risk factors, typical problems, long-term outcomes, and potential complications.