Tracing the Footsteps of God

By C. S. Song

Tracing the Footsteps of God
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For C. S. Song, theology begins with the conviction that God issomehow at work in our lives and our world, often in ways wehardly perceive. Interrogating our own experience in the light ofthe gospel is, for him, the heart of theology. In this volume he helpsreaders pose ten of the most anguishing, nettling, perplexing issuesof faith, some that arise perennially and others newly sharpened bya postmodern age rife with questions. The questions are:

    Beginning and End?

    Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?

    Is There Life after Death?

    Healed or Saved?

    Do All Roads Lead to Rome?

    With What Can God's Reign Be Compared?

    Why Church?

    Is Mission Viable?

    Are You "Spiritual"?

    What Do You Say God Is?

Song provides a process for readers to ask themselves: What do Ibelieve? As he says, "What you will find here is a process leadingfrom our daily experiences to our awareness of God in the worldinternal and external to us.... Stories of our life turn out to bestories of God." Includes stories and illustrations from aroundthe world.