International Business

By S. Tamer Cavusgil, Gary A. Knight, John R. Riesenberger, Susan Freeman, Hussain G. Rammal

International Business
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Remarkable change is the new reality of International Business. The accelerating cross-border flow of products, services, capital, ideas, technology and people are driving businesses--large and small--to internationalise. International Business 1st Australasian edition: the New Realities is a rigorous resource which motivates and prepares future managers to operate in multi-national settings, by delivering a teaching system that works. Based on the authors’ collective teaching and working experience–as well as discussions with practitioners, students, and faculty staff—this is a complete teaching and learning system where cases, exercises and management skill builders are seamlessly integrated and matched to the topics in each chapter. Case studies from a wide variety of markets relevant to Australasian businesses, including ASEAN countries (e.g. Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia) as well as China, India, Japan, South Korea, Pakistan, Europe and the Middle East, provide a real-world perspective to theories and examine the latest trends in international business. International Business is accompanied by a rich and flexible set of teaching and learning resources, including Instructor’s Manual, Companion Website and a wide range of case studies to encourage critical thinking and reflection. For undergraduate students majoring in international business or post-graduate courses in international business. ONLINE PREVIEW here

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