What is BRITISHOLOGICUM in its essence, through a Philosophical Systems?
It is a vector of assaulting in another way, in another dimension, in another form, the big peaks of knowledge, of uncertainties and of unknown, by writer / thinker through the triad of surveyor of letters, of explorer numbers and discoverer of hidden signs and their significations!
Therefore, BRITISHOLOGICUM is another language in rediscovering of history through the eyes and mind of a searcher – researcher – inventor, always re-sensing and co-sensing that the man, the human and even the SapientoHuman (i.e., the man, the human is always fully indebted to his / her own Species), is not everything in this world, is not everything in this complicated history!
Also, the big cultures are not everything in this world, big civilizations are not everything in this world, also big philosophies are not everything in this world, also big religions are not everything in this world, also, big arts and big technologies are not everything in this world, all requiring to be taken up in part, in their encyclopaedic form and structures, towards a better understanding through their interdependencies and interrelations!
In this way, BRITISHOLOGICUM wants to be a central concept of history, reuniting the parts of dispersed histories, within the centric concepts of only one BRITISHOLOGICUM, re-faceted through its thousands and thousands mirrors and thoughts, images and mythology, legends and personalities, all united and reunited within the same big river of traditions and ethnologies called human history in evolution, co-evolution and becoming through oneself…
The Britishologist